1. Install the Glean app
Click Get it now.
Select the Jira site you're connecting, click Install App and complete the installation process.
2. Set up the basics
Sign into Jira as an admin. Copy your Atlassian domain from the URL bar and paste into Glean:
Click the 3 dots belonging to the organization matching your Atlassian domain from step 1, then click on Manage product access
Click on Manage access for the Jira Software Product
Enter the default groups (there might be only one) as a comma-separated list in Glean. Only users in the provided product access groups will be able to see results in Glean.
Click Create Webhook URL in Glean. This should create an installation link for the Webhook app.
3. Configure Webhook and Activity Plugin
3a. Install the Activity plugin
Click Get it now.
Select the Jira site you're connecting, click Install App and complete the installation process.
After the app installation is successful, download the webhook app as described below.
3b. Connect the webhook
Copy the Webhook app installation link from Glean.
Go back to Jira, i.e. https://YourAtlassianDomain.atlassian.net/jira, click on the Settings gear in the top right corner, then click Apps > Manage apps.
Click on Settings near the bottom of the page and ensure Enable development mode and Enable private listings are selected. Click Apply and refresh the page.
Click on Upload app near the top right of the page.
Paste the webhook app installation link in the box that appears.
Click Upload.