Everything you need to know to get started in Glean
See how Glean is helping teams find their work more efficiently.
Frequently asked questions
Glean's conversational generative AI assistant
Create generative AI apps for your team’s specific needs. No coding required.
Find what you need faster with short, memorable Go Links
Organize content from all your tools by topic
Help teammates find answers to common questions
Customize what appears as the top result for specific queries
Share team and company announcements on Glean's home page
Verify your documents so your teammates can use the information they find with confidence

Information on Glean's Connectors
Customize your personal profile in Glean, and help your team work together
Admin features
Technical help
Give Glean Assistant the ability to take action in or read from external systems
Documentation to help you connect and setup identity providers to Glean including SAML & SCIM