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Salesforce Connector
Salesforce Connector

This document covers all information related to our Salesforce connector

Dan Iacono avatar
Written by Dan Iacono
Updated over a week ago


The Salesforce connector for Glean allows Glean to fetch and index content from Salesforce, ensuring users can search and access documents for which they have authorized permissions.

  • Authentication: Glean requires the Salesforce admin to authenticate and set up a token for Glean during setup.

  • Data Storage: All data is stored in the cloud project or instance within the customer's cloud account, ensuring no data leaves the customer's environment

API Usage

  • Standard API: Glean uses the Salesforce standard REST API via SOQL queries (v62.00 by default) to ingest all data

Integration Features

  • Content Captured: Glean captures Salesforce standard objects such as Account, Campaign, Case, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Knowledge Articles including custom objects (per configuration)

  • Permissions Enforcement: Glean respects all user access permissions, ensuring users only see search results for documents and objects they have access to. When a user clicks on a search result, they are taken to the Salesforce web application, which enforces the permission.

Versions Supported

There are no specific version limitations of the Salesforce connector.

Objects Supported

The Salesforce connector supports the following standard objects:

  • Accounts

  • Campaigns

  • Cases

  • Case Comments

  • Contacts

  • Documents

  • Discussion Forums

  • Knowledgebase Articles

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Tasks

  • Chatter (Beta and must be enabled by a Glean representative)

Authentication Mechanism

The Salesforce Administrator will establish a service account that is either assigned the System Administrator profile or a customized non-administrator profile. This account will be utilized for the generation of a token for Glean within the Salesforce environment. Subsequent to this, authentication will be conducted through an OAuth flow to facilitate the authentication of Glean with your Salesforce instance.

Please be advised that Glean does not recommend utilizing a Salesforce account that is associated with an employee. This is because if the employee departs from the company or if the account becomes disabled, access to data sources will be adversely affected.

Connector credentials requirements

The Salesforce connector for Glean provides two options for configuring the Salesforce Service Account profile:

Full Administrator

  • The user must be an admin in the Salesforce instance being authenticated, i.e., have the “System Administrator” profile.

  • We need an admin profile as many objects crucial to understanding the permissioning model are only accessible by an admin profile.

  • The user will require read-only access to all of the Objects that the customer would like to have indexed.

Non-Administrator Custom Profile

Note: Ensure all of the following permissions are set to avoid integration issues

  1. Login to Salesforce. Navigate to Setup on the top right. On the left-hand side, under Administration (Administer for Salesforce Classic), go to Users (Manage Users for Salesforce Classic) and then Profiles.

  2. Select an existing Profile that will be used for the integration and hit Edit, or create a New Profile.

  3. Under Custom App Settings, if you plan on indexing the following objects, ensure that the settings in Table 1 are checked.

  4. Under Administrative Permissions, ensure that the permissions in Table 2 are checked (any unset permission may lead to integration issues)

  5. Under General User Permissions, ensure that

    • Access Activities is checked. This is required to crawl tasks within the Salesforce instance.

    • Allow View Knowledge is checked. This is used to crawl all supported knowledge bases within the Salesforce instance.

    • View Archived Articles is checked. This is required to crawl archived articles

  6. Under Standard Object Permissions, ensure that we have both Read and View All permissions to the following objects:

    • Accounts

    • Campaigns

    • Cases

    • Contacts

    • Leads

    • Opportunities

  7. Save the Profile. Finally, back on the left-hand side, select Users and create a new user with the profile associated with the previous steps. Ensure that Knowledge User and Service Cloud User are both checked before hitting Save.

  8. You are now ready to authorize access to the main page for the newly created user.

Table 1. Custom App Settings


Permission Setting

Discussion Forums

Community (Standard__Community): Visible

Discussion Forums and Chatter

Salesforce Chatter (Standard__Chatter): Visible

Table 2. Administrative Permissions

Permission Setting


API Enabled

Allows access to Salesforce API to ingest data

View Roles and Role Hierarchy

Captures document permissions for any object (users, permission sets, etc.) with an associated Role

View Setup and Configuration

Captures organization-level document permissioning

View Data Categories in Setup

Captures organization and access control in Salesforce Knowledge and Discussion Forums (Chatter)

View All Profiles

Captures document permissions for any object (users, permission sets, etc.) with associated Profiles

View All Users

Captures users to understand document permissions for each individual

View Reports in Public Folders

Captures public access reports

View Dashboards in Public Folders

Captures public access dashboards

Chatter Internal User

Captures discussion forums, chatter, and other feed-related items

View All Data

Allows the ability to directly query for all tasks and feed-related items

Connection instructions

Once the pre-requisite Service Account and profile are created, connecting your Salesforce instance as a data source for Glean will require a few steps:

  1. In the Admin console within the Glean, select Data sourcesAdd data sourceSalesforce

  2. Enter a name for your data source in the text field Name and then (optionally) select an Icon

  3. Click the checkbox Use optional custom login domain (optional)

  4. Click Authorize

  5. Login to Salesforce with the credentials

  6. Choose Crawl now or Do this later and Save

Additional Object Setup

Glean has the ability to crawl additional native objects (not crawled by default) and custom Salesforce objects, which can be set in the Admin console under the Salesforce data source and object tab. Glean requires the object name, permission model, and mapping of fields for Title and Owner and optional filters. See an example of the self-service configuration:

User Requirements

  • If adding a new custom object, the integration account configured to use Salesforce must either be a full administrator or be configured with the following permissions (either the Profile or the User under Setup)

    • Custom Object Permissions – View All (for every custom object to be indexed)

  • If adding a new native object, the integration account configured to use Salesforce must either be a full administrator or be configured with the following permissions (either the Profile or the User under Setup)

    • Object Permissions for the new native object – view all + read access to all fields


To enhance the user experience, Glean will progressively integrate additional features to augment the flexibility for indexing fields across various crawlable objects.

Navigate to SetupObjects and Fields > Object Manager, and then click on the object to find details on the object. Please Find all associated fields under Fields & Relationships.


Glean requires the field names of the Salesforce API, which will be utilized to populate document metadata and present it on the Glean user interface. The field name for the Native or Custom Object can be found in the Field Name column on the Field & Relationships screen, as illustrated below.

Custom objects typically conclude with the suffix __c. Below is an example of Salesforce API field names associated with one of our test custom objects.

Document Title

The Field Name will populate the title for the documents seen on Glean under search results.

Document Body

The Description field is designated for populating the body of the document. It is imperative to specify both the field that corresponds with the text/HTML and the MIME type of the field, such as text/plain or text/html.

Document Author

The Salesforce API field name corresponds to who created the object, which may be an Id or direct User object, however, by default, CreatedBy represents a User object, but CreatedById represents an ID. For example, Asset has CreatedById, representing the author of an Asset object


You can provide the salesforce API field name, which specifies the object's status (if any). For example, an Asset object has Status, which represents the status of an Asset.

Document Create Time

By default, it is CreatedDate (not displayed on field relationships by default)

Document Last Modified Time

By default, it is SystemModstamp (not displayed on field relationships by default)

Custom Properties

As an option, provide all the fields that are wanted as a facet (a way to filter a search) and/or as an indexable field

  • Indexable fields types:

    • Textarea

    • String

    • Email

    • Picklist

    • multipicklist


  • All salesforce API fields that are specified as custom properties with type “indexable field types” will be searchable within Glean

  • Indexable fields are the ones whose content is searchable on Glean

  • Types are inferred from the Salesforce object schema. Each native object has a predefined type, and for each custom object, you specify the type while setting it up

  • All the fields (including indexable and non-indexable fields) will be added as a string facet within Glean


  • Advanced permissions, such as organization-wide defaults for Salesforce additional crawlable objects, are not supported

  • Permissions inherited from other salesforce objects are not supported. For example, Case is the parent object of LiveChatTranscript. If users can access Case, they will automatically have permission to access LiveChatTranscript without explicit permission. Glean requires each object’s permissions need to be explicitly defined and cannot rely on inheritance from other objects.

  • Inferred permission supported:

    • The user’s license provides similar access to a particular object type.

    • PermissionSets

    • Share records

Items crawled

Content Indexed

  • Accounts

  • Campaigns

  • Cases

  • Case Comments

  • Contacts

  • Documents

  • Discussion Forums

  • Knowledgebase Articles

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Tasks

  • Chatter (Beta and must be enabled by a Glean representative)


  • Users: Information about users within the Salesforce

  • Groups: Details about groups within Salesforce

The identity crawl operates with the following configurations:

  • Incremental Identity Crawls: These are performed to capture changes since the last crawl.

  • Full Identity Crawls: These are conducted periodically to ensure all identity data is up-to-date.

Estimating the Number of API calls

The number of API calls depends on multiple factors, and Glean has listed a few factors:

  • Objects being crawled

  • Permission-ing models used by different objects

  • Crawl frequency of different objects

  • Request payload size, which in turn depends on the number of custom fields, etc.

Actual usage may vary significantly. Please work with your Glean representative to develop an estimate.

Update frequency

Content updates for the Salesforce connector in Glean can happen quite rapidly, depending on the type of update and the configuration settings. Here are the key areas:

  • All content objects

    • Full crawl frequency: 28 days

    • Incremental crawl frequency: 10 mins

      • Case Objects: 2 mins

  • For share records

    • Glean crawl all share records every hour

  • For identity objects (other than share records)

    • Glean crawl all permissions every hour

Changes in data must be crawled, processed, and indexed before the data is reflected in the UI. Actual time may vary depending on the number of changes and corpus size. For the most up-to-date crawler refresh information, please refer to [External] Glean crawling strategy

How the crawl works

The Salesforce crawler follows the traditional crawler strategy, including utilizing the Salesforce API and the following ways to get and update data:

  • Identity Crawl: updating and adding People data, including users, groups, and other information

  • Content Crawls: Full crawls the entire defined scope of the application whereas incremental crawls only capture the changes from the previous full or incremental crawl

Known Limitations in Crawl

  • The crawl speed can be affected by the daily rate limits imposed by the Salesforce API, which varies by Salesforce license type. To create a rough estimate of API calls to Salesforce, take the number of objects and divide by 2,000.

  • For Tasks, Glean currently captures only partial permissions. Only the owner of the task(assigned to) and users above the owner in the Salesforce role hierarchy will have access to the task on Glean search. Additionally, users with a view all data access will have permission to view all Tasks on Glean search.

  • Custom objects must be set up and are not crawled by default

  • Excluded or Red-listed fields can be accomplished and must be set up by a Glean representative

API endpoints


Cloud Endpoint

HTTP Method



/queryAll endpoint to get objects in a paginated manner


Authorization: Bearer token

Glean uses the maximum allowed page size 2k. Note: Number of objects fetched in an API call may be lower than 2k depending on other parameters like request size

/sobjects to crawl all valid salesforce objects within salesforce instance


Authorization: Bearer token

fetch object descriptions for a given object


Authorization: Bearer token

Object description consists of object metadata like fields, field labels, field types, etc

fetch the authorization_code during integration user account authentication


The authorization_code is used to fetch the OAuth access token.

Note: Only used during the setup of a new salesforce instance

fetch user metadata for the authenticated user


Note: Only used during the setup of a new salesforce instance

fetch the OAuth access token in exchange for authorization_code fetched using the /services/oauth2/authorize endpoint


Note: Only used during the setup of a new salesforce instance

Content Configuration

Search Results as Sales and Service Cloud

The Glean Salesforce data source connector is compatible with objects from both Sales Cloud and Service Cloud. When Glean delivers results in response to a query involving Salesforce data, it will identify the data source as either Sales Cloud or Service Cloud, based on the objects retrieved. Glean facilitates the return of both object types under the designation of Salesforce. Should you require assistance with configuring this setup, please do not hesitate to contact Glean support.

Inclusion and Exclusion Introduction

If Inclusion (Green-Listing) options are enabled, only content from the Inclusion content will be indexed. If Exclusion (Red-Listing) options are enabled all content in the exclusions will be removed. If both rules are applied to the same piece of content, then the content will NOT be indexed as the Red-listing rule takes priority.

The rules below should be used MINIMALLY to preserve the enterprise search experience, as most end-users expect to find all content. Most customers do not apply any rules, or apply red-listing rules sparingly for sensitive folders or objects.

Exclusion (Red-Listing) Options

Glean can exclude fields per object. Please contact your Glean representative to implement the configuration.


Why is My Object or Field Not Showing Up in the Glean search?

If a field is not showing up (but is of an indexable field type), the best way to ensure that it shows up is to have it specified in the Salesforce object configuration through the self-serve. If the issue persists, please contact your Glean representative.

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