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Admin features in Glean

Manage permissions, apps, insights, and usage

Cindy Chang avatar
Written by Cindy Chang
Updated over a week ago

Glean offers Admins additional capabilities to organize and manage their deployment seamlessly. Admins have access to Workspace Settings within Glean, and can manage things like permissions, apps, and usage there.


Admins can manage what permissions teammates have via the Teammates page of Workspace Settings.

All teammates start as Members. They can be granted additional permissions (see below), or be made into Admins.

Additional permissions Members can have:

  • Answers Moderator - Can view, edit, and delete anyone’s Answers

  • Collections Moderator - Can view, edit, and delete anyone’s Collections

  • Announcements Moderator - Can create Announcements, and view, edit, and delete anyone’s Announcements

  • Go Links Moderator - Can create, edit and delete anyone's Go Links

  • Verification Moderator - Can verify and deprecate any item in Glean, regardless of creator

  • Pin Moderator - Can pin items to the top of search results for any query

  • Can access Insights Dashboard - Can view the Insights dashboard

You can also modify the default set of permissions that Members have by visiting the General page under Workspace Settings.

Admins have full permissions within Glean, and can make others Admins as well.

A list of all the permissions given to admins.

Manage Usage

Use the Manage Usage page to manage the rollout of Glean within your organization. You can track the people in your company who haven't yet been invited to Glean, who have received an invite, and who are actively using Glean - all in a single view. You can choose to send the invite via email or slack.

Invite new employees automatically by enabling the "automatically send this invite email to new employees" option.

Using Glean is intuitive and easy for employees. We also offer onsite training workshops as an added benefit for our largest customers.


Admins (and Members with permission to access the Insights Dashboard) will see the Insights Dashboard appear in the left nav. From there, you can access a series of reports on how teammates are using Glean, what content is most popular, what searches have been most popular, what searches have yielded no clicks, etc.

Sensitive content search

Glean has the ability to continuously scan data from the apps it is connected to in order to detect data shared with people outside the organization and data that contains sensitive content and is broadly shared.

If you are an Admin seeking this feature, reach out to your Account Executive or get in touch with us via the Messenger on this page.

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