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Manage teammates
Cindy Chang avatar
Written by Cindy Chang
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article, admin users can learn how to:

User roles and permissions in Glean

Super admin role

This role is separately managed from the other admin roles. To assign the first Super Admin, please work with Glean. Super admin role has all the Admin permissions plus the following:

  1. Can assign the Admin Search role

  2. Can assign the Sensitive Content Moderator role

  3. Can create global scope API tokens

  4. Can assign the Super Admin role and any other permission or role

Admin role

  1. Can create Announcements, and view, edit, and delete anyone’s Announcements

  2. Can create Answers, and view, edit, and delete anyone’s Answers

  3. Can create Collections, and view, edit, and delete anyone’s Collections

  4. Can connect/update workspace applications to Glean

  5. Can edit teammates’ permissions

  6. Can see when teammates signed up for Glean and when they last used extension

  7. Can manage general Glean settings (company name, appearance, home page customizations, default member permissions)

  8. Can create Go Links, and view, edit, and delete anyone’s Go Links

  9. Can access the Insights Dashboard

  10. Can create, edit, and delete anyone’s Pins

  11. Can verify or deprecate anyone's documents

  12. Can create, edit or delete team pages

  13. Can setup and manage Glean Assistant

  14. Can create AI Apps, and view, edit, and delete anyone's AI App

The following permissions are limited to the admin role only and cannot be additionally granted to members and setup admins:

  1. Can edit teammates’ permissions, including assigning Admin, Setup Admin and Member roles. However, they cannot assign the Super Admin role.

  2. Can see when teammates signed up for Glean and when they last used extension

  3. Can manage general Glean settings (company name, appearance, home page customizations, default member permissions)

  4. Can assign the AI App Creator role to any Member

Additionally, admins can change the set of default member permissions for creation to be on or off:

  • Can create new Answers

  • Can create new Collections

  • Can create new Go Links

  • Can create new Pins

If the default creation permissions are turned off at a later time, members will still be able to edit and delete any Answers, Collections, Go links or Pins that they had previously created.

Member role

Members have the following set of member permissions:

  • Can view, edit, and delete Answers for they are editors

  • Can view and delete anyone’s Collections and add/remove items from them

  • Can access all content that they have permission to view

  • Can edit and delete their own Go Links

  • Can view anyone’s Go Links

  • Can create private Pins, only visible to them

  • Can view anyone’s Pins for which they are in the audience

  • Can verify and deprecate their own documents

  • Can edit the team page of the team they are part of

Default permissions for members can be set in Default Member permissions.

Setup admin role

Setup admins have the same permissions as the member role plus they also can do the following:

  • Can connect and configure workspace applications in Glean

  • Can start the crawl for new workspace applications and control visibility in search for each application in Glean

Additional roles

Members and Setup Admins can be assigned additional roles by an Admins or Super Admins:

  • Announcements moderator: Teammates with this role can view, edit, and delete anyone’s Announcements

  • Answers moderator: Teammates with this role can view, edit, and delete anyone’s Answers

  • Collections moderator: Teammates with this role can view, edit, and delete anyone’s Collections

  • Go Links moderator: Teammates with this role can create, edit, and delete anyone’s Go Links.

  • Insights moderator: Teammates with this role can access the Insights dashboard and download csv insights.

  • Pins moderator: Teammates with this role can create, edit, and delete anyone’s Pins.

  • Teams moderator: Teammates with this role can create, edit, and delete Teams.

  • Verification moderator: Teammates with this role can verify and deprecate anyone’s documents

  • AI App creator: Teammates with this role can create, edit, and delete their own AI Apps. They can view others' AI Apps but cannot edit or delete them.

  • Admin Search user: Permission for sensitive content search for eDiscovery can be individually granted to any role by the Super Admin role. This role can also use some Governance features in Workspace settings (i.e. Document hiding, Access verification, and Sensitive content lookup).

  • Sensitive content moderator: Ability to create sensitive content reports

  • API token creator: Can create and delete their own client API tokens and indexing API tokens

  • Glean Assist moderator: Can configure settings for Glean Assist

Manage user sessions

Glean enables Super Admins and Admins to manage user sessions in Admin console > Teammates. Here are ways to manage a user:

  1. Super Admins and Admins can edit a user’s permission.

  2. Super Admins and Admins can log a user out from all active sessions by clicking “Sign out of all sessions”. They are shown a list of active sessions before proceeding. This will require the User to re-authenticate using SSO to access Glean on all devices. Note that for customers who use Embedded Search and Chat, signing out of those sessions is not yet supported by this workflow.

Note that it may take up to 5 minutes for this action to take effect.

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