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What is Glean?

Work AI for all.

Cindy Chang avatar
Written by Cindy Chang
Updated over 6 months ago

We’re here to expand human potential to do extraordinary work.

Humans are capable of incredible things because we can learn, share, and build upon existing knowledge. Knowing past context and the latest insights helps us generate new ideas and move faster. Imagine what we could do if all the knowledge we needed was at our fingertips?

That’s why we created Glean.

Glean is the full-stack enterprise AI platform that connects with and deeply understands all your company’s data, to bring you the answers you need. It’s like having an expert who’s been at your company since the very beginning, read every document, been part of every conversation, knows every employee’s expertise, and is ready to assist you 24/7.

Glean powers your work. Not just your productivity, but your deep satisfaction knowing that you’re making real progress. Because when you can find the answers you need— or the people who know even more— you can focus on your real work. And ultimately make a difference in the world.

When should I use Glean?

The next time you have questions like these...

  • Where’s that doc that Person X sent me yesterday?

  • I know I saw that information before...was it in this tool, that tool, or some other tool?

  • Who do I go to for X?

  • What’s that team working on this quarter? 

  • Hmm - is this information still up to date?

Try starting your search with Glean! We'll serve up all relevant results in one simple place so you can find everything you need.

Who uses Glean?

Anyone who's working in multiple tools a day at work. Sales Engineers, support engineers, engineers, and R&D teams in general have found our tool helps them save time and effort when collaborating with one another and finding information needed to do their job.

Want to know more? Chat with us in the messenger 👍

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